Outdoor Pursuits

Outdoor Pursuits

In keeping with the paramount AAFS value of fostering independence in ASD youth, we strive to provide our members with opportunities to experience the outdoors outside of a structured ‘Summer Camp’ setting and allow them to really go camping. It’s the full experience: pitching tents, cooking food, and lighting campfires. For many of our youth, an AAFS camping trip is the first time they’ve ever spent the night away from their parents, let alone with a group of close friends! Hiking, canoeing, horseback riding, overnight trips and rafting – we’ve gone out and done it all.

Popular spots for our camping trips include Bragg Creek, Sylvan Lake, Drumheller, Two Jack Lake, Lundbreck Falls and Jonhstons Canyon, but it doesn’t stop there, and if you know of a particularly awesome place to go camping, let us know!

Examples of Outdoor Pursuit Activities:

  • White Water Rafting
  • Overnight Camping
  • Hiking
  • Horseback Riding

Program Details:

Program Coordinator: Scott Godfrey

Contact: (403) 975-2557 or scott@aafscalgary.com