Important Info About AAFS Summers

Important Info About AAFS Summers

The summers here at AAFS are a busy, bustling time and we want to be sure to remind our families about a few important things that change during the summer!

1. Extended Care
We are able to provide extended care for all events during the summer. There will be space on registration forms for each activity where you can make extended care requests, and if you want to inquire about ongoing extended care – please call our office: 403-246-7383

2. Rainy Day Plans
On rainy days, there are still always a number of great things to do around Calgary. If rain ruins our plans, we will meet at our Clubhouse and plan our day from there whether that be swimming, bowling, movies, or Laser Quest! Contact the family contact listed for the activity on the website for any questions about the day’s plans.

3. Daytrip Meds
During the summer we see the use of a lot more medication. For AAFS to administer medication, we must have a ‘meds form’ filled out and in our office two days prior to the activity. This time allows us to make a medication schedule to be sure the process is smooth, safe, and correct. (Download med form here) Any questions about our Meds policy can be directed to our Executive Director- Dean Svoboda at

4. Meds on Overnight Trips
Our overnight trips take a lot of pre-planning and organization, especially with the administration of medication. If you require medication (including non-prescription medication) you must have a medication form filled out and sent to us a minimum of one week prior to the trip. If medication forms are not submitted by the deadline, we may be forced to cancel youth from the activity or charge an administration fee. Picture yourself organizing a medication schedule for up to twenty youth… and in a campground, no less! We need to ensure the safety of everyone on our overnight trips and to achieve this, our medication policies must be strictly enforced.

5. Water Bottles, Sunscreen, Bug Spray
The staples of enjoying a hot summer day without paying for it later! Please send a water bottle each day and apply sunscreen and bug spray before you drop off your child at AAFS. We will always have back-up bug spray and sunscreen on hand and will touch up throughout the day, but it is equally important to apply in the morning before arriving to AAFS. Healthy snacks are always a good idea to send as well!