Clubhouse Nights

Clubhouse Nights

Club nights are evenings spent hanging out with friends at the AAFS office. They’re fun, they’re unique, and they’re always changing – though the one thing they all have in common is their goal of seeing traditionally solo activities turned into social opportunities. AAFS members will learn the subtle, fundamental skills of turn-taking, sportsmanship, and sharing – as well as gain an often-overlooked yet invaluable understanding of what it is to simply ‘hang out’.

See the calendar for up-and-coming club nights!

Some examples include:

  • Video game hangouts
  • Board game parties
  • Arts & Crafts evenings
  • Cooking club & Baking night
  • Dungeons & Dragons group
  • Lego and K’nex building
  • Pajamas and a movie!
  • Holiday party & Clubhouse decorating

Think you’ve got the next great clubhouse night activity? Contact us and let us know! Our best ideas come directly from our members.

Program Details:

Program Coordinator: Scott Godfrey

Contact: (403) 975-2557 or