Go Group

Go Group

The Go Group is active, accepting and easy-going. We exist for unfunded adults who want to go out with new and old friends and have fun. Each Tuesday, the Go Group meets at a predetermined location (often Second Cup in Kensington but sometimes other locations) and heads off to experience all that Calgary has to offer.

Some activities that we have enjoyed in the past include golfing, art class, bowling, sports, billiards, archery, outdoor park days. We are often trying new events as well. Go Group activities are decided upon by the Go Group members, so the choice is up to you – come join us!

If you need a break from the stresses of adult life we would love to spend the afternoon with you!

Program Details:

Go Group is a registered program and there is an intake process.

Program Coordinators: Brittany Morrison

Contact: (403) 246-7383 or brittany@aafscalgary.com